Monday, September 1, 2008

That little voice inside....

Walking up from our late morning excursion to the lake beach, I was hungry for lunch, hot from the sun, and ready to be in the car. In one arm I held the sand truck, floaties, and Leo. On the other arm I shouldered the beach bag, crammed full with snacks, toys, waters, and discarded, sandy clothing. Mustering all the patience I could find, I said to the dawdling Aidan [who was busily studying the clouds while in the middle of the parking lot], "Aidan, honey, could you please try to walk a little faster? I am holding all this stuff and would really like to get to the car." "But Mommy," he replied, "you have big strong muscles!" "That's true, Aidan, but I am tired and just want to be there." Looking at me very seriously now he said, "This is when you listen to that little voice inside you that says 'I know I can do it!'"


Emily said...

That is my new favorite story!

elfstone326 said...

I love this one!